About Our Kingdom

The Founder

Wade V. Byrd, a resident of Dallas Texas by way of California founded Our Kingdom Cigar Company. Wade wanted to create luxury cigars that had smooth, yet robust flavors, that encompassed dynamic aromas. Cigars that
are fit for a King or a Queen.

In his global travels, Wade has enjoyed exquisite hand rolled small batch cigars. This led him to create a luxury brand of cigars are fit for royalty.


You’re looking for a cigar that is unique and of the highest quality, but you don’t want to spend hours at a store sampling each one.

It can be tough to find a good cigar that matches your taste and is also unique. With so many options available, it’s hard to know where to start.

Our Kingdom Cigar is the solution. We
have an unmatched selection of cigars that are all smoked before being brought into our humidor. This ensures that every cigar we sell is of the highest quality and worthy of your time.

About Us

The wrapper should be smooth with a slight shine, no blemishes or rough stems, its leaves all spiraling in the same direction.

“A quality cigar calms me down and helps me decompress from
everything else going on in my life. It forces me to sit still and be
present in that moment.”

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Contact Us

1801 North Hampton Rd Suite 425. DeSoto Texas, 75115

Phone: (214) 699-7313

Copyright© 2025 Our Kingdom Cigars - All Rights Reserved.